The end

I hope that by reading this simple book that you now have a good idea of what it takes to turn your Ionic 2 app into a PWA! As you can see, it is extremely simple and requires no extra JavaScript to be written. PWA's are a first class citizen for Ionic and we are constantly working on improving the framework and the build process to make PWA's built with Ionic better and faster. Currently we are hard at work on getting our bundle sizes much smaller than they are now. We realize that load time performance is vitally important for PWA's and through more aggressive treeshaking and code splitting we will soon have much smaller bundles than we currently have. Also, we are currently working on adding styles to Ionic that make our components work well on bigger tablets and desktop devices. As we all know when you deploy anything to the web it can be opened on everything from a huge gaming monitor to a tiny mobile device, and therefore making sure your Ionic PWA looks just as good on a big tablet or a laptop as it does on a mobile device is a top priority for us.

Thanks for reading this book! I hope to constantly improve this book and update it if anything changes. I am not an expert writer by any means, but hope that this helps you with building the next awesome PWA with Ionic!

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